EPIC Risk Management team members celebrate becoming fully qualified Mental Health First Aiders

EPIC Risk Management team members celebrate becoming fully qualified Mental Health First Aiders
Following on from Friday’s talk at the SBC Digital conference, EPIC’s Director of Operations Pete Wallis, who holds a MSc in Educational Practice and Innovation, discusses the virtues of eLearning in the safer gambling sphere, with a particular emphasis on how important it is to provide this method of learning alongside other traditional methods of education.
World’s leading gambling harm minimisation organisation achieves Gold Investors in People accreditation. Posted on 9th September, 2020
EPIC Risk Management are delighted to announce that they have been named as winners of the Jim Wuelfing Annual Award.
Our lived experience team will be hosting sessions with former NFL players to educate on responsible gambling and sports integrity.
UK-based gambling harm minimisation consultancy EPIC Risk Management has confirmed a partnership with the Division on Addiction.
We have become one of the first private companies to be listed on the UK Gambling Commission's RET register.
Our collaboration with the National Council on Problem Gambling allows us to extend our reach and help more people across the USA.