Trust is earned:
Working in partnership
Elite athletes are be up to 6 times more likely to develop a gambling problem compared to the general population.
of schools from the Power Five conferences have dealt with a sports wagering problem among their student-athletes or staff within the past year.
For every person with a gambling problem, there are approximately six others affected
…of people attending EPIC’s safer gambling programmes rate its content, facilitator, and quality of delivery, 9 or 10-0ut-0f-10
Attending SBC Rio, 25-27 February?
Our EPIC experts will be on-hand to discuss how we can help you deliver:
Commercial Sustainability
Reduced Litigation Risk
Regulatory Compliance Support
Increased Brand
World-Class Consumer Experiences
Putting safer gambling practices at the heart of the Hippodrome’s approach
Sharing lived experience of gambling harm with 170 student-athletes at the University of Michigan
Delivering gambling harm awareness education to five schools with Chelsea FC Foundation
Lived experience is at the heart of everything we do.
EPIC’s value proposition to its partners is professional services delivered by consultants with lived-experience of gambling addiction. This remains the foundation for the design and delivery of all EPIC solutions blending deep levels of industry knowledge with real-life.