#PGAM2025: “I had no idea that gambling addiction was even a thing”
It’s hard to identify a condition if you don’t even know that it exists. That’s the situation that was faced by EPIC’s Patrick Chester as the debts and the threats mounted up as a result of his problem gambling issues.
As we continue to empower people through the knowledge of personal experiences that our team have been through as part of Problem Gambling Awareness Month’s ‘Seeking Understanding’ theme, our senior consultant is the latest speaker to explain how problem gambling was present in his life, but neither he nor those close to him could identify the precise issue.
“My friends and family knew there were issues, but they had no idea what the root of those issues were,” explained Patrick, who regularly presents to EPIC’s range of audiences to outline how he lost his job and his freedom as a result of gambling debts. “They didn’t know I was struggling with a severe gambling addiction; I kept it hidden for many years.”
That addiction led to his incarceration after it came to light that he was using client funds to fuel his compulsion to gamble, with matters coming to a head after losing everything he had left – and had borrowed – on a Super Bowl wager that failed to pay off.
Having served his custodial sentence, the next step of the journey towards recovery was to face up to the issue he’d been battling, and undergo treatment via specialist resources dedicated to rowing back from the depths of addiction.
“Treatment saved my life, plain and simple, he explains. “Treatment put me on a path to a better life and was the first building block in the rebuilding of my life and family. I had no idea gambling addiction was even a thing, it wasn’t until I checked into an intense, inpatient facility that I began to understand what this was.
“For me, it wasn’t one moment that led me to understand what problem gambling was, but rather a series of moments. What really sticks with me, even to this day, is the period of time when our first son was born. He spent the first five years of his life living in an environment that no kid should grow up in.”
Patrick can now provide a much happier home life for his family as he visits NCAA colleges, speaks at conferences and undertakes media appearances on EPIC’s behalf to try and raise public understanding of this issue. Facing up to his past helps to create a far more positive present and future, as he continues:
“I never could’ve imagined this nine years ago, while sitting in a jail cell. Knowing that I’ve turned a catastrophic event into a positive is extremely rewarding. It’s the quiet conversations in the corner of a room, with an affected other, or a concerned friend. Those are the moments that hit me.
“Not a day goes by where I don’t think back to the dark days. Not to dwell on those days, but to use them as motivation. I found my soul through my struggle, I found my purpose in life because of what I went through and what I put my family through.
“I’ve experienced some powerful moments in my time at EPIC, but one really stands out though. A student-athlete recently came up to me after a session and gave me a hug. This hug went on for a while and I sensed that he really wanted to talk.
“He then proceeded to tell me that he had been stealing money from his family to feed his gambling, had lost friends, and was afraid to open up to anyone for fear of judgement. He said that my story had convinced him to seek help and open up about his struggle.”
Just one recent example, but a prime example of how helping others to seek understanding of problem gambling really can change lives.
To gain a better understanding of how EPIC supports NCAA student-athletes and staff via talks from Patrick and his colleagues, visit epicglobalsolutions.com/ncaa.