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EPIC discuss Mental Health in Construction

EPIC Risk Management has launched a programme with Costain Skanska Joint Venture (CSjv) EWC Enabling Works Contract aligned with their client HS2 Ltd, aimed at raising awareness within their workforce regarding the impact on mental health and suicide as a consequence of problem gambling.

As part of the programme, EPIC has delivered sessions to 300 individuals who work on behalf of the UK’s largest ongoing rail infrastructure project. CSjv EWC engaged with EPIC to run a series of events.

EPIC has delivered digital sessions for the EWC MHFA network as part of HS2’s Safe at Heart and Meeting of Minds Health Awareness Programme, where EPIC’s Director of Educational Programmes Patrick Foster touched upon his own Lived Experience of overcoming a crippling gambling addiction. The sessions are designed to help to expand understanding of addiction and its potential impact on CSjv workforce’s mental health.

This milestone is a major move for EPIC Risk Management on its mission to take the problem out of gambling for those in at-risk sectors.

“To work with CSjv EWC, is extremely significant for EPIC Risk Management,” said Patrick Foster, Director of Educational Programmes at EPIC Risk Management. “By empowering employers to better identify and interact with vulnerable employees at key trigger points, we are potentially saving lives.

“More than one worker a day takes their own life – three times the UK rate for men. In addition to the virtual awareness seminar, we also facilitated engagement tours to provide opportunities for further awareness and to discuss problems on-site, all conducted within the guidelines of the strict Covid-19 site control measures.”

Sandra Winters, Clinical Director Working on behalf of Costain Skanska JV: “As a lead in Occupational Health and Workforce Wellbeing I am always seeking meaningful ways to engage and promote health insights within organisations. This is what one of the 300 participates thought – it summarises the value added by EPIC ‘Patrick’ to our ongoing mental health and awareness-raising programme.

‘’What an absolutely incredible and powerful presenter and presentation. I’ve cried, liked you, disliked you, and been proud of you. Thank you so much Patrick for sharing your whole, honest story and raising awareness of this addiction and its impacts – I think it’s probably the subject I have heard the least amount about but one that is very quickly judged in respect of the person behind the addiction’’.

This news comes in the wake of previous education initiatives and accomplishments of the company in the wider construction industry, including work for MPB Structures Ltd at their major sites in Manchester (Circle Square) and Battersea, London. This formed part of their Employee Wellbeing and Safety Programme with 200 of their key staff at both sites.

EPIC Risk Management is the world’s leading independent gambling harm minimisation consultancy. EPIC raises awareness of gambling-related harm to identify and mitigate the human, financial, brand, and reputational risks that problem gambling can create.

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